Warung Bebas

Tuesday 7 July 2015

You can also make Surveys from our flexible tool



The demand for online surveys has never been so high as everyone, from multinationals to solo entrepreneurs, is looking to get data from their target market/clients in order to improve their performance and to meet various business goals. Survey is the answer to many data collection and interpretation queries and so the requirement of having a good, presentable and easy to use survey has skyrocketed. 

EMF survey builder is an extension of the form builder, which means that you can enjoy all the features of the form builder on top of the awesome features of the survey tool. Hence, there is no need to limit yourself with a simple survey as you can now create modern looking surveys with awesome designs and back-end logic. Few of the salient features of the tool are:

  • Multiple pages, pagination, will help organize your questions.  Make it easier for respondents to digest lengthy questionnaires.  It can also improve form conversion rates and the accuracy of information.  Adding a progress bar helps users understand where they are in the survey.  Tip:  Enable Save & Resume for those really long surveys.
  • Create dynamic surveys by setting up logic to drive respondents and get the data you need. Gain the power of showing different parts of survey to different types of respondents through conditional formatting. 
  • Review your results in the Data Manager.  Filter the data to drill down into important areas and study the overall data collected. Data collection is futile if you can't analyze the data correctly and this is where our data manager helps you in understanding the overall data. 

Why Upgrade?

If you have any questions then please feel free to respond to this email or open a ticket from here. One of our support representatives will contact you asap.

Thank you,

Hunilo Harke
EMF Evangelist


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