Greetings, We hope that your forms are up and running by now and you would be receiving response on them. Here, we would like to help you with the next step which is to set notifications on your forms and start managing the data that you receive. EMF offers flexible options on the notification and data manager pages that will help you in receiving and managing the data collected from the forms easily. We would like to quickly go through few of the fantastic features of these two pages with you so that you can take best advantage of our services. By default we send the responses of the forms on the same email address through which a user signed up on EMF. However, if you want the responses to be send to other email address as then you can add the additional email address in the "Recipient Emails" section on the notification page. More details: Notifications - Using "Dynamic Tokens" to reduce repetitions:
If your forms have different dynamic features that you want to streamline and avoid repetitions then you can use the different "dynamic tokens" that we offer. By using these tokens you would be able to customize and personalize your messages. More details: Dynamic Tokens - Manual input & editing of the forms in the "Data Manager":
You can chose to manually add or edit the form data by going to the data manager page. This feature will allow you to make changes in the data that you have collected and you will also be able to add new data as well for any offline data that you might have collected. More details: Advanced Reports - Adding comments to the entries:
To manage large number of entries/submissions of your forms, EMF offers the flexibility of adding comments for each entry so that you can add important points/comments to the entries and set them as a reminder for yourself or other team members/users. More details: Data Manager Why Upgrade? By upgrading to the Plus Plan ($9.95) you would be able to enjoy the following features that are currently locked on your basic plan: - Coding Options
- Password Protection
- Send data to other apps
- Multiple Users
- And More
If you have any questions then please feel free to respond to this email or open a ticket from here. One of our support representatives will contact you asap. Thank you, Hunilo Harke EMF Evangelist |